Friday, August 29, 2008


I went back to Chung Cheng in the end, hahaha. Saw Mr Faizal, Mr Chua, Mrs Lim, Mdm Tan and duh, Mr Lam. HE WAS SO HAPPY TO SEE ME OKAY, REALLY! Then Hannah joined in. So we talked for what seemed like a million years and he kept reminding me to go back to visit more often. He claims that I still owe him Starbucks. I don't even know when that happened. Oh well, typical nonsense from him. But I still have to thank him a lot a lot a lot for helping me through my Secondary school days.

Went off for lunch with the guzheng people, as usual. Went to Jack's Place and i bumped into Hannah again! Seriously, our telepathy still works. 1st, we chose Touch Rugby as our CCA and we only realised that we were both in Touch Rugby when I saw her nick which said "Drink Mud Play Touch". Then, we both chose jersey number 6! Next, we both spotted the same cute orange rugby ball. Today, I bumped into her at Jack's Place, of all places. And, just when I took my phone out of my pocket, Hannah's message came and she told me to go and support her on Monday. So amazing okay. I miss that stupid Hannah. I shall go and disturb her on Monday. I REALLY REALLY WANT TO TAKE PART IN MONDAY'S COMPETITION, NOT JUST BE THERE TO WATCH :(:(:(:(

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