Monday, August 21, 2006

went to sch, as usual, played daidi in class and tada, we got caught by this fucking councillor who showed me his fucking black face when he was the fucking one confiscating my cards. hello? wht's his fucking problem? wht's the bloody world coming to... AND HE ACTUALLY BOOKED US OMFG. now i owe chuachorloon one shit reflection. smone, teach me how to write reflection pleaaaaaase. okay not that it matters. im gna chiong it tonight.

alright, then we went to KFC. haha i was drinking the bigbigbig cup lah. and when we were gng home i kept complaining abt my bladder even though i went to the toilet befor we left KFC. ohoh dyane's such a sweetheart. she's like the bestest stead i've evr had, LOL. THANKYOU DYANE!

im addicted to gossip girl. not that it matters tho, cus im gossiping like crazy with angelina and gang alrdy. considering the fact that im the imitator and crap. im getting bitcher and bitcher.

smone tell me, how do you even write reflections? god this is crap.

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