Monday, August 13, 2007

just as i was sitting along the corridor, draining myself of tears, a thought flashed through my mind. how many times have i cried so badly in this yr alone? many, in fact.

i was sitting with yunhan and angelina, and suddenly, everything got dragged over to SYF, just because "crying badly" could link to it. actually, i can link it to many more. like during mid yr, when i got back my e geog results, or right after my piano exam. they all shared something common. i held high hopes for all, but they just came crashing down all of a sudden. it's always the "i can do it, i can do it" with "i wish i had done better" coming after it. every time you hold high hopes for something, somehow or other, it just never comes true. it's no exception this time round.

thanks for the B3, i appreciate it. maybe it's complacency, the sheer thought that i could had done well even without studying.

a big thankyou to blackcurrant and yellow banana for sacrificing their recess just to accompany me, cus of our silly pact to get emo together. but i really appreciate it! thankyou loads. i love you guys. and thankyou ka ying for calling to check if i was okay. even if i wasnt, i'd be :)

i cant expect more from my life when i've got such gd friends


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