Been working like zzz for the past 3 days, but I've also been seeing Tuck Zai every day for the past 3 days! I likey. Hopefully I'll get to see him tomorrow, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday... Then we'll go to Bangkok where I'll see him every single day and night for 5 days. And then we can come back and the cycle goes on :D Sounds good? Okay maybe it'll only sound good to me.
Anyway, please head over to Tuck Zai's blog if you wanna have a good laugh!
Okay I'm really tired cause I only slept for 4 hours last night. Snoozed my alarm from 6 to 6.45 hahahaha, quite rare. Thank God it's afternoon shift tomorrow. I can sleep like a log tonight, YESSSSSSS!
Hahahaha shitxzxz. You know, just now when I picked up the phone at home, I almost said "Hi good afternoon, Amore Fitness Bugis Junction". Then when my mum asked me to discuss with my brother about which log cake to get, I wanted to press the hold button. Ooohlala. I will soon be working like a robot. Phoebe (my manager) laughed at me this afternoon when I answered her call because 1) I said good morning when it was already 1 in the afternoon and 2) I stammered quite a little trying to say "hi good morning... blahblahblah... how can I assist you?". When I finished saying the whole long string of words (not easy hor, especially when you've only had 4 hours of sleep and is starving and dying to have your break), she paused a little and then she started laughing! She told me to relax and not be so nervous hahaha. But really! I don't understand why some customers speak so softly! I have to ask them to repeat themselves 3 times before I can hear them. There was once I went "What???" and Rose turned over to look and imitated me.
Then again, maybe it's just me. I always have a problem with listening. Can't hear it when people mumble, or when I'm on the phone I can't hear anything else around me (I don't know how Rose does it), or if someone speaks I won't hear them unless they call my name and I acknowledge. I think Rose has a pair of wonderful ears. She could hear this really soft customer (the one who had to repeat herself 3 times) when she's sitting between me and Nani and the 2 of us were talking and giggling.
Okay okay I'm gonna go wait for mummy to come home so that we can have dinner together! Night night