I was reading through my Emails and I saw something which brought back a lot of memories.
"23. What do you miss most right now?
my CRAP PARTNER XD and my $$$$$$"
And since it's a new year, I really should leave everything behind.
That aside...
I spent the 1st hour of 2009 with a few OCIP people, namely Cherie, Rachel, Chin Hwee, Thaddeus and Wilson. HAHAHA cause we're all losers with nowhere to go. Wilson asked me to bring Monopoly cause he wanted to play.
Wilson: Hey got board game? Can bring to Cherie's place. Monopoly etc.
Me: You are so troublesome! I got Pokemon one, hahaha. K I go find. I think cards more important!
Wilson: Haha bridge club. Monopoly, I want monopoly
Me: Okay, I bring you carry
Wilson: Haha sure sure. Dont worry I won't let pretty girls carry one
Me: Eeeyer Wilson! You and your pretty girl thing... See you later lah.
Me: Disney, Singapore, Pokemon, here and now edition, choose.
Wilson: Of course Pokemon. Cuter
So, I brought the Pokemon monopoly but when Wilson arrived and I chucked the thing to him, he said, "Eh I said I'll help pretty girl carry, never say that you're pretty what"
£$^%*$("& but I still made him carry it in the end, duh.
We decided to meet up at Bedok's Sheng Siong before going over to Cherie's place. But we changed our mind and went to Block 85 for dessert! Then we went to Cheers to get some chicken wings and drinks and chocolate and we walked the longlonglong path to Cherie's house, only to find out that her brother had friends over as well.
Initially nobody wanted to play Monopoly with Wilson, but we later found out that Rachel secretly wanted to play! Oh well, we decided to entertain Wilson and played with him. It was really funny cause Wilson kept going to jail and he couldn't buy much properties so at the end of the game he only had one property while Thaddeus had tons.
Anyway, Wilson chose to be the "property agent" and I decided to be nice and took over the job as a banker. We kinda concluded that the "property agent" will not have properties while the banker will not have money. Cause at the end of the game I was like penniless, HAHAHA.
It felt so good to be spending time with the few of them all over again. Almost everything we talked about started off with "oh yea, just like in Cambodia", especially when we talked about Rachel and her "5 more minutes". If only we could get back to that period where all we worried about was whether sandflies would get into our food or whether we had enough Oyster sauce to cook dinner (But duh, I can't bear to leave my boyfriend for another 16
long days)
Okay, and this reminds me: I STILL HAVEN'T WRITTEN MY REFLECTIONS :/