Sunday, May 24, 2009

My body feels like it's about to shatter, what with all the diving and sprinting and backing five and getting rammed into by other opponents and staying under the sun from 8 to 5. But it's all worth it because we got into quarter finals, the 1st time since we joined TJ Touch Rugby :DDDDD We won against TP with 8-0, JJC with 4-3 but we lost to RJC and LFS. But eh, LFS leh! They're so fast and rough, zzz. Anyway, I'm just very very happy that we were the top 8 yay yay yay. I think everyone in the team played their best yesterday and I'm so proud of all of them! Although we STILL haven't gotten our trophy (hahaha), I think we've already done a very very good job :D


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