Thursday, December 16, 2010

This has been dragging on for way too long.


Zzz nice one Yip Sze Wan. I thought you just made a decision a few days back. And again a few days before the few days. And another a few days before the few days before the few days.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lost all motivation to blog, hahaha. I need some help from the gods. We're going to baibai soon, mummy says I can go there to get divination lots. What a good idea

Monday, December 13, 2010

Never quite understood what people meant by "It's Complicated" or "In an Open Relationship". How complicated can complicated be? It's just a relationship. You're either together, or you're not. And how can anyone be in an open relationship? What does it mean by open anyway? But now I do. Now I understand fully. Cause I think I'm both

Saturday, December 11, 2010

"Too much happiness, too much pleasure. You get sick of it, and then you lose yourself"

Was watching Eat Pray Love on the plane just now, and I realised that there's so much in common between me and the female lead. It's very much, well... my movie. I think I'm losing myself