Monday, November 22, 2010

Fuck, oh fuck

Friday, November 19, 2010

Too much has happened the last week. I don't know what my relationship with Tuck Zai is now. We aren't exactly talking like how we used to, but I know we still feel something for each other. I feel so confused I don't really know what to do hahahaha. I've been trying so hard to sort me feelings out; to ask myself if Tuck Zai is The One. But I suppose the prospect of living my life the way I want as a 19 year old is too tempting. Then again, the grass is always greener on the other side.

I feel like shutting myself out from the world now. I think I've screwed up too badly this time round. What with melt and all. I can see that my relationship with Tuck Zai is no longer heading the direction that we've always wanted it to, but I'm not even trying to do anything about it. So is this where this ends?